How the BNBA Supports our Members:
- Be informed on the building industry issues that affect your businesses through regular publications and the BNBA web site.
- Provides continuing education through seminars, classes and workshops. Provides networking opportunities to promote members’ own products and services and encourages “members doing business with members.”
- Encourages high ethical and professional standards that reflect favorably on the industry and the Association. Also, supports the efforts of public, private and nonprofit organizations that provide job skill training to produce quality workers for the industry.
- Participates in the city, county, state and federal legislative process that enacts builder-related laws, rules and regulations. Every member of the BNBA is also a member of the New York State Builders Association (NYSBA). NYSBA provides a wider business and political base for our membership.
Our National Affiliation The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB), headquartered in Washington, D.C., represents the interests of home builder members throughout the country, including members of the BNBA. It continually watches legislation and guidelines that have a national impact on the industry. Among the valuable services provided by NAHB are a computerized legal research system, a library, subscriptions to magazines, newsletters and pamphlets covering many subjects of interest to members.
Membership Application Click here to download the application or click here to fill out online.
Approval – Applications are reviewed by the Membership Committee and submitted for final approval at the monthly Board of Directors Meetings held the second Tuesday of every month (excluding January and August).