The Buffalo Niagara Builders Association not only supports our builder members…
… we support New Home Buyers as well.
This is the place to come for information and news on homeownership and building your new home. You’ll also find ideas and tools that you can use to enhance your home for years to come. Watch this area of our web site as it continues to grow.
Supporting YOU!
At first glance, the Buffalo Niagara Builders Association seems to be an organization that exists for its members only. But we support homebuyers and our communities too. Here’s how…
- Encourage high ethical and professional standards to produce a quality product for homebuyers.
- Support individuals and organizations that consistently work towards maintaining a strong, viable economy.
- Provide financial assistance to specific charities.
- Encourage construction of affordable housing so that home ownership is possible for the greatest number of people.
- Encourage land developers and builders to provide for the needs of the community and homeowners while making the least impact on the environment.
- Present annual new home events, including the Horizons Home Show, to bring the latest and best in new home construction to the Western New York community.