•To use a value discipline in acquiring and developing prime real estate, while offering investors an attractive return with minimal exposure to risk, and to provide timely and accurate reporting;
•To promote an open management style that encourages communication, personal growth and enjoyment of life at work with a constant emphasis on integrity and;
•To grow in a careful and balanced way while responding and adapting creatively to inevitable changes in the marketplace.
Benchmark Now Has:
•A total portfolio that includes 6,600 apartments units in 12 states and 5,000,000 square feet of retail space in 6 states;
•A staff of more than 250 legal, financial, accounting, development, construction and property management professionals and;
•Institutional investors who are repeat investors in Benchmark properties, including the pension funds of a Fortune 500 company and a major public utility.
•Earned its success by navigating through both “up” and “down” business cycles; understanding and responding to continually changing legal, tax, regulatory and financial environments; and adhering to the business principles of professionalism, integrity and discipline.
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